Passing conversions from Voluum to EvaDav via postback URL
How does it work?
EvaDav as a traffic source can be significantly improved by its instrument for ad campaign optimization - Automated rules. The working principle of which requires data on conversions made with provided traffic. It allows EvaDav to calculate additional metrics (like the amount of Leads, Cost per lead, Payout, Profit, and ROI) to share your ads only on effective traffic sources. Therefore it is recommended to use tracking software like Voluum to track and pass conversion data between servers.
Conversion/lead can be passed from server (Voluum) to server (EvaDav) using a unique {CLICKID} value which is assigned to every impression gathered from EvaDav’s traffic sources and Conversion postback url to receive the {CLICKID} back to EvaDav as conversion/lead.
Setting up Voluum
Create an Offer to Voluum
After you have specified Workspace, Affiliate network (optional), Country label, and Name of your offer, paste the URL of your offer/product/service page in the Offer URL field and add Voluum’s {clickid} token with a corresponding parameter (from affiliate network for example) to mark transitions within the tracker:
Tracking methods:
First of all, you need to determine which tracking method to use by looking at your offer page: Is it a direct offer or affiliate SmartLink? Can you access the editing page's HTML to place the tracking script or tracking pixel? Your visitor should enter the offer page directly or through the lander with a call-to-action button.
S2S postback URL
Server-to-server is the most convenient and reliable way to deliver conversions for all types of offers whether it is a direct offer or a smartlink. If you are using a SmartLink from the affiliate network you only need to establish a connection between servers of Traffic Source (EvaDav) - Tracker (Voluum) - Affiliate Network to pass conversions using click ids and postback URLs. And if you are using a direct offer with an editable landing page you also need to install a Lander/Offer tracking script and a tracking pixel. In case you are using Voluum’s redirect, you can use conversion tracking pixel/script only, but it is recommended to use several tracking methods at once for backup.
Tracking Pixel and Tracking Pixel URL
Conversion tracking pixels are used when an offer only supports cookie-based pixels for conversion tracking purposes. It is used alongside with Lander tracking script/Offer tracking script or redirect to assign visitor to {clickid}.
You need to copy and paste the tracking pixel on a thank_you page. It can be installed almost anywhere as an image due to its .gif image format. Tracking pixel sends visitor’s cookie-based {clickid} to Voluum as conversion.
You can find the Conversion tracking pixel at /settings/tracking-URLs in Voluum and Offer settings.
Conversion tracking script
Regular js script for tracking conversions should be placed on the page where the visitor lands after conversion is done, Thank You page for example. Works similar to tracking pixel with {clickid} which the visitor gets previously at the landing page or redirect.
Offer Tracking Script
This script is used when you don’t want the visitors to go through redirects and the Offer tracking script will assign visitors with {clickid} right on the offer page where installed.
Add EvaDav as a Traffic Source to Voluum from a Template
Just choose EvaDav’s template from the list with all the primary settings already set and ready to receive conversions/leads:
Parameters define what data to pass from EvaDav (traffic source - TS) to Voluum. They will be added to your target URL automatically in the Voluum campaign settings.
You can find more info on each token in your EvaDav dashboard at
Passing conversion info to traffic source(EvaDav)
This option will pass conversions recorded in Voluum to EvaDav’s postback URL. As you can see on the screenshot with parameters, Voluum’s {externalId} is the corresponding token for EvaDav’s {CLICKID}.
Create a Voluum Campaign
Set Traffic Source (EvaDav)
After you have specified Workspace for your Voluum campaign, choose the traffic source you’ve created from the template previously:
The transition between ad and campaign funnel
Here you should choose between Redirect or Direct methods of tracking:
Redirect - visitor assigned with Voluum {clickid} through the redirect to the Offer.
Direct - visitor assigned with Voluum {clickid} through the Offer/Lander tracking script.
Campaign destination
Flow - pre-set paths that you can choose for your campaigns.
Path - select to set path to your Offer.
Path Destination
Landers and Offers - select if your Voluum campaign path will go through the landing page.
Offers only - select if the visitor should land directly on Offer.
Transition to offer
It determines how redirection to the campaign’s endpoint is handled and whether referrer data is passed through or not. If you have a campaign funnel with a landing page then, when visitors click a call-to-action (CTA) link on the landing page, they are redirected to a promoted offer. While having set one of the redirect modes, Meta refresh and Double meta refresh, the offer's owner (affiliate network) will not see the referrer data to identify your landing page but will see the domain's referred data passed instead.
302: This is a default option. This is a standard temporary HTTP redirect that sends a visitor directly to the desired location – your promoted offer. The referrer data is passed to the campaign endpoint.
Meta refresh: When set, the browser starts loading the page - but only the head, not the body of the page - before going to the new destination. In the <head> tag of the HTML page, triggering the browser to refresh and load a new URL. The referrer data is hidden with this mode selected.
Double meta refresh (DMR): Double meta refresh is just meta refresh, but performed twice consecutively. This way, the first meta refresh page contains the referrer you want to hide. It goes to the second page, and the first meta refresh page becomes the referrer. This goes to your affiliate link with the referrer from the second refresh of the page. Due to this extra redirect, DMR is the most reliable redirect mode to ensure that the referrer data is not leaked to the owner of the offer, usually an affiliate network. It might also be the slowest one because of this double redirect.
It is a separate tab in Voluum campaign settings where you should copy the target URL for your ad campaign at EvaDav:
All supported EvaDav tokens are already set so you only need to paste the Offer tracking URL into the corresponding field at EvaDav campaign settings - Target URL and you are ready to launch the campaign.
How to create a report in Voluum
Choose Voluum campaign(s) and press the “Report” button.
Look for the Export button and press Traffic log or Download CSV
Traffic log: choose EvaDav’s TimeZone UTC+3 and the needed Time Range. Also, specify the email address where the traffic log should be sent. This option will export all available metrics on the chosen campaign(s).
Download CSV: here you can choose metrics that you want to export in your report.